La Comisión de Justicia e Interior se ha reunido los días 7 y 8 de este mes, estando en su orden del día un primer debate sobre dos propuestas de Directivas que desarrollan el programa 2010-2014 en materia de inmigración: la primera, relativa a las condiciones de entrada y residencia de nacionales de terceros países en el marco de un traslado dentro de una misa empresa; la segunda, relativa a las condiciones de entrada y residencia de nacionales de terceros países para fines de empleo estacional.
Adjunto en esta entrada del blog las conclusiones de la reunión sobre estos dos puntos de debate, que demuestran que todavía queda mucho camino por recorrer y que algunos Estados manifiestan reticencias sobre la aplicación de idéntica protección en materia de protección social, cuestionan que las propuestas respeten el principio de subsidiariedad, demandan mayor flexibilidad en la aplicación de la hipotética futura normativa y enfatizan el respeto a la fijación de las cuotas de entrada por parte de cada país.
"Ministers held a first exchange of views on Commission proposals for two directives on conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals concerning:
– intra-corporate transfers (regarding managerial and qualified employees for branches and subsidiaries of multinational companies) , and
– seasonal employment
On both proposals, several ministers recalled the right of member states to determine the number of third-country nationals to be admitted to their territories. In this context, they pointed out that the impact on national labour markets should be taken into account. Several ministers also highlighted the need for greater flexibility, for example, in reference to the proposed duration of stay or the time limits in which applicants must be given a decision. In the case of seasonal employment, a number of member states mentioned that a choice should be given on whether accepted third-country nationals would receive residence permits, as proposed by the Commission, or rather long-term visas.
Another issue highlighted by several ministers was the question whether the rights accorded to third-country nationals should be equivalent to those of nationals of the host member states, in particular concerning social security benefits. Other delegations questioned whether the proposal on seasonal workers was in line with the principle of subsidiarity.
The Commission underlined that the main goal of the two proposals was that once member states decide they need legal immigrants in these two areas that equal treatment will be given to those accepted throughout the EU. On the proposal for intra-corporate transferees, favourable conditions were necessary to reach the main objective of the file: to attract those qualified people which the European labour market needs. On the proposal for seasonal employment, minimum conditions would be necessary in order to avoid exploitation".
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